Supreme Court judgment a black day for Nigerian democracy – NRC

Group, National Rescue Congress (NRC) on Thursday described the Supreme Court ruling in favour of President Bola Tinubu as a black day for Nigerian democracy and the rule of law.

The group at a global press conference titled “The State of the Nation and Call to Rescue Nigeria” held via Zoom platform on Thursday afternoon therefore rejected the outcome of the judgment that affirmed Tinubu as duly elected Nigerian President having scored the highest number of votes in February 2023 presidential election.

To this group, the apex court placed its judgment on technicalities rather than justice, especially in the area of forgery allegations leveled against Mr. President by the candidates of the People’s Democratic Party and Labour Congress; Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi respectively.

The group then called on all that have been elected under the platform of the Labour Party to demonstrate a higher level of competency before Nigerians so that they set a good example for people to see the need for the party and its presidential candidate as capable of leading the Country to the promised land.

The host, Barr Emmanuel Ihim lamented that “our Nation is at a crossroad, and we have seen it by ourselves. There is no retreat or going back. We need to decide whether we are going to fight for our freedom or not because freedom doesn’t just fall from heaven.

“Freedom has been contended, contested, and fought for. We can decide to fight to have our freedom back. God created every one of us free. No Nation, no Country can give us freedom. There is nowhere in the World where it is written in any constitution that freedom is given by government. None.

“Freedom is a gift from God and we can decide to retrieve our freedom and live in a land that is free or we live in bondage. Thank God for the men and women who have fought for this Country. Thank God for men and women who are still standing for this Country.

What is the value of life without freedom when Nigeria contributes 90 percent to insecurity, rated capital poverty if the World and our citizens are mocked all over the World because of bad leadership?

“A judgment may be said to be legal but that judgment may be immoral. Today’s judgment is contrary to human rights principles. This judgment is unjust, and we reject it. In unison, we reject this judgment. In unison, we will stand against it. We don’t have a President that is elected by the people”, he decried.

Also speaking during the conference, a Special Guest, Prof Chris Nwaokobi said, “we are confronted by a rogue regime, a rogue judiciary, and a rogue national assembly. We are confronted by men and women who have decided to diminish all the Country stands for.

We are not a Country of forgers. We are confronted by forces of wickedness and witchcraft because they don’t care about Nigeria. So, we must stop agonising and begin to harmonise not necessarily for 2027 but for today.

“Doe example, we have people whose products encourage poverty, oppression, disease, and despondency. We can start by boycotting their products. We have seen people who own banks jumping up in support of this judgment. A naira to a dollar is over N1,200. That means poverty and hunger for Nigerians.

A litre of petrol may hit N1,000 and that will mean more poverty for Nigerians. While the partisans are celebrating, we can say no through defiance by using our social handles too. For those who own a bank, we can start with them. Let’s remove our money from their banks”, he added.

Over 100 people within and outside Nigeria participated and added their voices against the apex court ruling during the online press conference that lasted for hours.



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