NYSC vows to deal with threats from social media detractor

Management of National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has expressed readiness to deal with utmost seriousness, threats coming from detractors, especially through social media.

Director General of the scheme, Brigadier General Yushau Ahmed, dropped the hint in his address at the opening ceremony of the 2023 NYSC Protocol/Press and Public Relations Officers’ Training Workshop held in Abuja on Thursday.

General Ahmed urged the participants to understand that the forum serves as an avenue for them, as reputation mangers, to realign its Public Relations strategies with a view to effectively tackle emerging challenges.

He warned the Corps members on the dangers of attending late-night parties, night journey, and boarding of vehicles at unauthorized locations.

According to him, “Management is aware of the critical role of Protocol and PR Officers in projecting the good image of the NYSC, especially through various professional activities that have engendered public appreciation of its invaluable contributions to national unity and development.

“I, therefore, use this forum to commend the commitment and ingenuity with which you discharge your responsibilities. In particular, I salute your dedication to ensuring efficient management of our public functions in line with the dictates of protocol as well as adequate publicity of the activities of the Scheme.

“Despite your celebrated accomplishments, I hasten to remind you of the dynamic nature of your job and, in particular, the challenges that have put the scheme in the spotlight in recent times. We must view threats coming from detractors, especially through the social media, with utmost seriousness.

“This informed the choice of the theme of this workshop, “Managing and Improving the Reputation of the NYSC: The roles and responsibilities of PR officers.” The training will equip you for improved performance in line with my administration’s policy on capacity building.

This forum serves as an avenue for you, as reputation mangers, to realign our PR strategies with a view to effectively tackling emerging challenges. The training will be comprehensive as it encompasses the critical elements of your job profile, including reputation management, protocol and information management.

“At the end, you are expected to raise the bar of your output, particularly in monitoring the media and issuing timely rejoinders or releases to counter negative publications,” he charged.

Challenging the participants further, General Ahmed said: “I would like to use this opportunity to implore you to deploy the available platforms for sensitization of serving and prospective Corps members on security consciousness.”

“You are expected to draw their attention to the dangers of night journey, boarding of vehicles at unauthorised locations, attendance of late-night parties, and acceptance of car ride from strangers, amongst other risky acts.

In the same vein, Management places great emphasis on dress code for Corps members. In this regard, I urge you to pay special attention to it,” he charged.


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