Bauchi: Mohammed signs N300.2bn 2024 budget into law

Bauchi State Governor, Dr Bala Mohammed, has signed into law the 2024 Appropriation Bill.

Signing the budget on Thursday, the Governor declared that his administration is fully prepared to implement the budget for the realization of his administration’s My Bauchi Project agenda.

The 2024 Appropriation christened “Budget of Consolidation and Renewed Focus” was presented to the Governor by the Speaker of the Bauchi State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon Babayo Akuyam, and other principal officers at the Exco Chamber of the Governor’s Office, Bauchi.

It will be recalled that Governor Mohammed while presenting the budget to the State House of Assembly November 30, assured the lawmakers that the budget would be fully implemented.

The 2024 Budget estimate is N300,219,705,820 and comprises of recurrent expenditure of N121,341,193,343.11 (40.4%) while capital expenditure received the sum of N178,878,512,477.49 (59.6%).

Speaking while signing the budget, Governor Mohammed reiterated his administration’s determination to ensure that the budget is fully implemented to consolidate on the achievements recorded in the previous years to achieve sustainable growth and improve the standard of living for the people of Bauchi State.

Mohammed thanked the Speaker and members of the State House of Assembly for the timely passage of the budget.
“I have followed with keen interest the legislative processes which ensured that all Ministries Departments and Agencies were invited, and a thorough appraisal of their submissions was made,” he said.
“I must also add that the honorable members have had no break since the day we presented the budget till the final consideration was made.”

Earlier, the Speaker, Akuyam said the 2024 appropriation bill passed through all the legislative processes before being passed into law with internal reviews and adjustments.
“I want to use this opportunity to reiterate the existing cooperation and understanding between the executive and legislature in the state,” he said.

Other Bills passed by the State House of Assembly and assented to by Governor Mohammed are a Bill to provide and protect rights of children in Bauchi State and other related matters 2023, Bill for the establishment of the Bauchi State Urban Water and Sewerage Corporation, the Bauchi State Small Towns Water and Sanitation Agency, Bill for the Bauchi State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency and the Bauchi State Water Services Regulatory Commission and other matters.

Mohammed also assented to a Bill to amend the Bauchi State Orphans and Vulnerable Children Law 2023



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