PDP knocks Tinubu over hardship, urges love, unity

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), yesterday, urged Nigerians to use the occasion of the Christmas to strengthen the bond of love and unity amongst themselves despite the economic situation in the country.

The PDP, in a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Debo Ologunagba, charged Nigerians to continue to be their brothers’ keepers. It stated that citizens must not allow the hardship, difficulties and uncertainties allegedly imposed on the country by the All Progressives Congress (APC) led administration to change their caring nature.

The opposition party expressed dismay that the President Bola Tinubu-led administration has “further mismanaged and wrecked the nation’s economy and social life.”  

The party noted that the “self-serving and oppressive policies such that millions of Nigerians families are economically stranded, socially dislocated and can no longer afford their daily meals and other necessities of life, especially at this festive period.”

It added that “our Party is grieved that while families in other climes and nations are celebrating with joy, Nigerians are observing Christmas in hunger and misery because of the anti-people policies of the APC administration.

“Instead of caring for Nigerians, the APC administration continues to allow the mindless plundering and diversion of our national resources to fund the luxury appetite of APC leaders while other Nigerians suffer excruciating hardship.

“Is it not heartless that instead of taking steps to revamp the economy, the APC administration deliberately caused an increase in the pump price of fuel from N167 to over N700 per liter; devalued the Naira to trigger high costs and crippled the productive sector with attendant job losses in their quest to weaponize poverty and suppress Nigerians to surrender to totalitarianism?

“This explains why the N27.5 trillion 2024 budget is completely devoid of concrete mechanisms to address the comatose manufacturing and productive sectors, human capital development and depleting life expectancy of Nigeria citizens but heavily skewed to provide for the luxury appetite of APC leaders and their cronies.

“Our Party again charges the National Assembly to be on the side of the people by cutting all provisions for luxury items in the budget and channel such funds to sectors that have direct bearing to the wellbeing of Nigerians.”

Nevertheless, the PDP urged Nigerians not to succumb to despondency but use the Christmas season “to offer prayers as well as renew their hope and trust in the Divine intervention of God in the affairs of our nation.”


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