Kano agog as deposed Sanusi returns as emir

Commendations have trailed the return of Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi 11 to the saddle as Emir of Kano, four years after he was deposed.

Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf announced his reinstatement after consulting with the kingmakers of the Emirate Council as prescribed by tradition.

In May 2019, the House of Assembly approved the amendment of the Kano State Emirate Council Law, which paved the way for the balkanization of the emirate.

The legislation was purportedly conceived to whittle down the powers of the Emir of Kano.

Subsequently, Abdullahi Ganduje, then governor, signed the bill into law. With it, Kano was divided into five emirates — Kano, Rano, Gaya, Karaye and Bichi — with Emirs appointed into each emirate.

In March 2020, Ganduje deposed Sanusi as Emir of Kano “for total disrespect to lawful instructions from the office of the governor.”

But at a media briefing at the Government House, yesterday, Governor Yusuf declared that all appointments made in accordance with the repealed Kano Emirate Council Law have been voided.

He specifically declared that all the five Emirs, namely of Kano, Rano, Gaya  Karaye and Bichi appointed under the repealed Kano Emirate Law have been relieved of their positions and ranks.

He, therefore, gave the deposed Emirs 48 hours to vacate their offices and palaces, ordering them to hand over all official property belonging to the emirates to the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Aminu Abdussalam Gwarzo.

While signing the Bill into law, the governor expressed satisfaction that the new law will bring unity to the people of Kano and foster sustainable socio-economic development.

Governor Yusuf further articulated that the return of Muhammad Sanusi II on throne will propel peace and prosperity adding that the repeal of the council law was in realization of his campaign commitments to restore the lost glory of the state and its rich cultural heritage.

He emphasized that the signing of the bill symbolized the restoration of the revered legacy of the Kano emirate, which has withstood the test of time of over a thousand years.

The governor urged the populace to continue supporting his administration in delivering a multitude of infrastructural advancements that will propel Kano to greater heights.

“Everyone should go about his or her normal activities in the state, we have done what we believe is in the best interest of the state and its people.”

Under the new Kano Emirate Repeal law 2024, Kano State is now under one emirate.

In the meantime, the announcement of Sanusi as the new Emir has been greeted with excitement by the people of the state and beyond.

Preparatory to the announcement, vehicular traffic was reduced on major streets and junctions while various groups  of people were spotted in various small cells discussing the development.

A resident of Gwale area inside the city, Mallam Bashir Usman, told Daily Sun that the people were already used to the fact that the new government would reinstate Sanusi adding that that had killed the shock effect of news of his reinstatement.

When Daily Sun visited the palace in the state capital, people were discussed in hush tones.

A source said all activities previously billed for the day were cancelled after the announcement of the passage of the new law by the House. “They were supposed to be a Durbar horse riding display for the ECOWAS Parliamentarians in the palace, but it was cancelled.”

Over 150 police personnel were at the Emir’s palace to provide security to the palace and its residents. Security personnels were also present around the Government House area and in some key junctions in the state capital.

•Fubara Congratulates Sanusi

Rivers State Governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, said he received the news of the reinstatement of the former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), with great excitement, particularly coming at a time Khalifa Sanusi II was in the Rivers State to add impetus to his administration’s initiative to reshape the economic trajectory of the State.

He urged the spiritual leader of the Tijanniyah Sufi order of Nigeria, Emir Muhammad Sanusi II, to lead the over 50 million adherents of the Sufi order in Nigeria with love, wisdom and courage while bringing lasting peace, justice, equity and fairness to all in the city of Kano.

He wished him a successful and fruitful reign that will bring progress and prosperity to the people of the State.


A leading scholar in the politics of Kano Emirates Council, Ibrahim Ado Kurawa, also lauded Governor Yusuf for restoring the lost glory of the Kano Emirate Council.

“It is wrong to think that repealing Ganduje’s law will politicise the Emirate. That is a wrong assumption. It is Ganduje’s law which politicized the Kano Emirate Council. If someone has done something wrong, do, we continue to maintain it? No. We change it.

“What Ganduje did was wrong, and it has to be corrected. There is a lesson here. Anybody doing something wrong must know that one day it will be corrected and that is what has happened.

“We have to realise that the state has nothing to do with the creation of traditional institutions. These are issues that border on identity and culture of a people. What the state is supposed to do is govern properly and give the people the amenities of life.”

He maintained that Kano would benefit immensely from the reign of Emir Sanusi, adding that he has the capacity, network, diplomacy and intellectual pedigree to deliver on his assigned role as a traditional ruler of a modern state.

Also, lecturer at the Department of History, Bayero University, Kano (BUK), Prof. Tijjani Naniya, observed that the sacking of the five emirate councils was well thought out because the process of their establishment was flawed.

Naniya recalled that they had cautioned Ganduje about his action, but their word of wisdom was ignored.

“My reaction to it is that it is something anticipated. It is not surprising to me because the very moment the process of reproducing this law started in 2019, we foresaw the problem and the crisis because the whole process started on a wrong foot. And we cautioned the then government that it should not engage in this act because it will set a precedence.”

•NEF reacts

However, the Northern Elders Forum (NEF), in a statement by its spokesperson, Abdul-Azeez Suleimam, called on parties involved in the Emirate tussle to bear in mind the potential consequences of their actions, pointing out that rash decisions and inflammatory statements could worsen the situation and jeopardies peace and stability of the State.

The Forum called on the public to remain calm and law-abiding in the face of the crisis, adding it is crucial that they do not engage in actions that could spark violence and unrest in the state.

“The NEF is worried that the recent crisis surrounding the emirate in Kano state has raised tensions and concerns among the public. As responsible citizens, we urge the government of Kano state and politicians involved to exercise caution in handling this sensitive issue in order to prevent further escalation of tensions.

“It is important for all parties involved to approach this matter with the utmost care and professionalism, keeping in mind the potential consequences of their actions. Rash decisions and inflammatory statements can only serve to worsen the situation and jeopardize the peace and stability of the state.

“We also call upon the public to remain calm and law-abiding in the face of this crisis. It is crucial that we do not engage in any actions that could potentially threaten the peace and security of the state. Violence and unrest will only serve to further divide us and hinder any chance of finding a peaceful resolution to the current situation.

“In times of crisis, it is imperative that we come together as a community and work towards finding common ground and mutual understanding. Let us all strive to prioritize peace and harmony and avoid actions that could lead to further discord and conflict.

“The NEF however notes that the traditional institution in Nigeria has long been facing challenges and obstacles that have rendered it weak and ineffective. Now, this problem seems to be particularly acute in Kano, where a power struggle has led to the creation of multiple emirates, thereby diluting the authority and influence of traditional rulers in the region.

“The multiplication and duplicity of emirates in Kano is a clear attempt to weaken the traditional institution and undermine the authority of the traditional rulers. By creating multiple emirates, the power and influence of individual traditional rulers are diluted, making it easier for politicians to control and manipulate them.

“Furthermore, the arbitrary dethronement and replacement of high-ranking traditional rulers in Kano not only weaken the authority and legitimacy of traditional rulers but also send a message that their role and relevance in society are easily dispensable.

“This move is not only threatening the unity and cohesion of the traditional structure but also undermining the centuries-old customs, values, and traditions that have been the bedrock of Nigerian society.

“The perpetuation of these challenges is a reflection of the wider issue of the emasculation of traditional rulers in Nigeria. Over the years, traditional rulers have been systematically sidelined and disempowered by various administrative mechanisms and so-called “reforms” that have only served to weaken their influence and render their role ineffectual. In order to address these challenges and reinvigorate the traditional institution in Nigeria, it is imperative that traditional rulers be re-empowered and given the recognition and support they deserve.”

This can only be achieved through a concerted effort to restore the statutory recognition of traditional rulers in the country and provide them with the necessary resources and authority to fulfill their duties effectively.

“Without the necessary empowerment and support, traditional rulers will continue to struggle to play a meaningful role in society, particularly in addressing pressing issues such as crime and drug abuse. Their marginalization not only diminishes their ability to effectively govern their domains but also leaves them vulnerable to political interference and manipulation.”

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