Kaduna: It’s worrisome, politicians don’t care visiting victims of banditry attacks-Bishop Ndagoso

The Archbishop of Kaduna Catholic Diocese, Most Reverend Matthew Man-oso Ndagoso  on Tuesday expressed disappointment with politicians in Kajuru local government and Kaduna State for not showing empathy after the gruesome killing of 11 people and burning of 28 houses by bandits in Adama Dutse village, Idon ward of Kajuru local government area of the State.
Bandits had penultimate Sunday attacked the community early morning hours, killing 11 persons, burnt 28 houses on the fateful day.
The Dean of Rimau Deanery, Very Reverend Father Daniel Kyom, who represented the archbishop on a visit to the affected community said “the State Government, the affected Local government, Kajuru, the Chairman should come and visit these people and see what has happened to them, you can see the destruction of lives, property especially food here, this is to make sure the survivors also die of hunger.
“The politicians were not elected to kill people with hunger so the State Government, the Chairman of the Local Government should come and see what has happened. This idea of making abnormal things normal is wrong. How can people lose their lives and no government presence to show concern, they only talk, nobody sees anything on ground. Politicians were elected to work for the people, they should come and work for the people now, they shouldn’t keep quiet. “
On whether State Police will solve the reckless killings, Father Kyom maintained that “the ordinary person doesn’t want to know about duplication, what the common man knows is to strengthen security for his survival, even with the state Police, if the right thing is not done, we won’t get results.
“The Federal Government, the State Government should do what they were elected to do. They were not elected to make things worse, they were elected to strengthen security, protect lives and property. It is not our job to secure our lives, the job is theirs, we entered a contract with elected leaders to secure our lives. So, if I entered into a contract with you and I do my own part and you don’t do your part, it’s wrong.
“This people have been peaceful, the Archbishop is saddened, we cannot give into  fear now, this is the time to practice the faith, this is a season of lent, a season of forgiveness, sharing and praying, we will continue to pray, we will put our faith into action with this community, we will pray with them and help them, we are only agents so God will take care of his people in his own way, this will encourage the faith, rather than discourage the faith”.
Earlier Reverend Father Emmanuel Okpara who is the priest in Charge of St Joseph under which St. Julius Adama Dutse is operated said that “it was on Sunday morning at 06:08am when we got the news, it was the military timely presence that helped the community, the soldiers having been on patrol as usual. We will sustain the evangelism here; God’s work must continue.”
A community leader, Mr. Anthony Peter lamented that” the politicians we voted for have abandoned us in this trying moment, we have always been peaceful here, but these people decided to attack us. We call on government to help us.”

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