Day Muslim faithful prayed for Mutfwang

It is obvious that Gov. Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau State is loved across faith and ethnic nationalities. Wherever he goes, residents’ troop out to cheer the man making giant strides in the state.

Many agree that despite the challenges confronting the governor and the state, he remains focused and committed to making the state a better place in all ramifications. Of course, this has endeared him to all irrespective of religion and ethnicity.

Last week, Muslim faithful in the state organized a special prayer session for the success of the Mutfwang administration. The special prayer, which was held at the Jos Central Mosque, had Muslim faithful from all the 17 local government areas of the state in attendance.

While speaking on the initiative, a former member of the Plateau State House of Assembly, Mr. Sani Abubakar, said the aim was to pray to God to provide the governor the wisdom and ability to lead the state to prosperity and peace. According to him, the special prayer was the first if its kind in the state.
Explaining that Mutfwang had hit the ground running through the various projects initiated by his administration, he said: “As Muslims, we believe in the power of the Holy Qur’an, and we turn to it in times of need or difficulties.

”This session is also symbolic; we need show the whole world that the Muslim community in Plateau loves the governor and are in support of his administration.”

Hajiya Jamila Shehu also commended Mutfwang for showing real leadership and meeting the people at their point of need. According to her, the prayer session was in solidarity with the governor’s inclusive style of administration.

She said: “We are here to pray for a successful tenure for the governor; for God to give him the wherewithal to continue with the inclusive governance he has started.

”There are insinuations that the governor is against the Muslims. So, this special gathering is to tell the world that the governor is for all.

”We all know who the governor is. He is a special breed who loves and cares for everybody irrespective of tribal, religious or political affiliations.

”He is moving with the women, the young and old, Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) and everyone. He means well for the state.”

Alhaji Aminu Abdullahi said that the gathering was to also pray for a favourable judgment for the governor at the Supreme Court.

Abdullahi, who came from Jos North, appealed to the esteemed Justices of the Supreme Court to critically look into the merit of Mutfwang’s appeal and ensure justice for him. According to him, victory for the governor at the Apex court will be in the interest of the state.

Meanwhile, a pan Nigerian group, Salvation and Service, has commended the initiative, saying it will enhance religious harmony and togetherness in the state. According to the group, people professing various faith should be united in prayer for the good of the Mutfwang administration and the state.

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