Dangote Refinery modernises sugar production process with environmental-friendly tech

Dangote Sugar Refinery, Numan, has set sight on boosting its sugar production to 1.5 million metric tones annually following its acquisition of some state-of-the-art factory facilities which are environmentally friendly. According to the factory management, the new upgrade will revolutionize the production and that it is in line with environmental sustainability goals of the SSG and that they are designed for maximum efficiency with little or no emission inimical to the environment and communities hosting the industry. The expansion drive is said to have reached a significant mileage which will revolutionize the company’s operations.

This was made known by the company’s Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Chinnenye Sylvain Judex,
while conducting journalist on a facility tour of the factory.

According to Judex, the company has acquired the state-of-the-art machines that will make high production in thousands of metric tons for consumption possible.

He explained further that the “Dangote Sugar Refinery (DSR) Numan, has commenced an audacious drive to attain 1.5 million metric tons of sugar output annually as a result of its revolutionary new system of production.”

He explained that “The modern machines are environmentally friendly that purifies emission of gas that will not pose health challenge to neighboring and host communities.

“Dangote group acquired the company situated on 30,000 hectares in Numan in 2002 in a moribund state but since the acquisition, the fortunes of the company have changed through the years as a result of steady expansion drive.”

Judex notes that, “The expansion which is eco-friendly is strictly in line with best environmental practices that will yield zero environmental pollution.

“The development drive will also create no fewer than 8000 job openings while 17, 000 tons of sugar cane will be crushed on a daily basis.”

The CEO explained further that, “The company is aiming to multiply its out-grower scheme to cover 2000 beneficiaries in the next five years in order to enhance the success of the second phase of the National Sugar Master Plan for sugar self-sufficiency in the country.

“Our Out Growers Farmers are having, a lot of benefits in what the company is giving them. We are into business to make prosperity of our community, and everybody will be carried along. We are not in business only to make profits. We believe that, to prosper in business, peace must be here.”

Speaking on other benefits the expansion drive of the refinery would bring to the community he said, “The expansion of the sugar refinery is expected to generate 32 megawatts of electricity from installation of new turbines and 2-high pressure boiler of 90 tons of steam per hour adding that the company is expected to redirect the excess energy to the national grid. This approach will create job opportunities through Public Private Partnership to the people of the state.”

On the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility he said, “The tension that used to exist between the company and the host communities which the company inherited, has since dissipated because of the robust investment and the corporate social responsibility culture of the company which has enhanced confidence and mutual trust between the two sides.

“There is complete harmony with our host communities but before now the going was rough.

“The CSR championed by the company include building and rehabilitation of education and health facilities in addition to providing scholarships to indigent students. Others are empowerment programs and provision of water and electricity to the five host local governments.”

In a related Development, the Dangote Refinery has organized a two-day environmental Journalism Workshop effort tagged, “Reporting the Environment for Sustainability” was designed to promotes and strengthen environmental consciousness among media practitioners in northeast sub-region.

The Paramount Ruler of Bachama Kingdom in Adamawa state, Homun Dr. Daniel Shaga Ismailia CON, Kpawo Nomwe, Gilongo Diya has said that Dangote Sugar Refinery has been impacting positively on the livelihood of his subjects and communities within the kingdom through its social responsibility projects.

St the training over, the Executive Director, Climate Africa Media Initiative and Centre (CAMIC) Aliu Akoshile, tasked journalist to explore every available opportunity to put forwarded ideas that protect the environment because protecting the environment is the synonymous to protecting human lives.

Aliu, tasked journalist to be mindful of the tin line between activism and journalism, tasking journalist to remain true to their profession and to also use their pen to promote issues of climate change, resist habits that promotes deforestation, and clean environment.

The training culminated in a courtesy visit to the paramount ruler of Bachama Kingdom, Homun Dr. Daniel Shaga Ismailia, who received the Journalists through his Secretary, Ambrose Tanyishi.

Tanyishi said, a good number of his subjects and in extension, people from five local governments hosting the factory, including, Numan, Demsa, Lamurde, Guyuk and shelleng have benefited from various trainings and empowerment Programmes of Dangote Sugar Refinery.

He said, “Social vices and idleness have dropped significantly as youth are always engaged in factory work as well as farming activities.”


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