BSUTH: Assembly Committee to invite past CMD, Health Commissioner, others over decayed, non functioning equipment

Benue State House of Assembly has initiated on plans to invite the immediate past Chief Medical Director, CMD, of the State University Teaching Hospital, (BSUTH), Dr. Terrumun Swende, andnothers for questioning over hospital equipment and facilities discovered to be in bad shape.

Benue State House of Assembly has initiated on plans to invite the immediate past Chief Medical Director, CMD, of the State University Teaching Hospital, (BSUTH), Dr. Terrumun Swende, andnothers for questioning over hospital equipment and facilities discovered to be in bad shape.

House Committee on Health and Humanitarian Affairs, led by member representing Kwande West state constituency, Pharmacist Thomas Dugeri, were at the hospital on Wednesday, on oversight functions where they expressed shock at the state of facilities at the hospital.

Speaking during the visit to the new CMD, Dr. Stephen Hwande, Chairman of the Committee Pharm. Dugeri said the level of waste is unpardonable hence the need to invite him and all those involved in both procurement and management of the equipments for questioning.

Dugeri said, the committee during their last visit at the hospital noticed the issues of shortage of manpower, equipment, water supply and electricity among others.

He expressed surprise on hearing that drugs of over N200 million meant for use at the hospital was allowed to expire and was destroyed saying “How did drugs worth over 200 million wastes? How did these drugs come into the hospital? Even if they had been given as a donation, it would have taken the hospital to heights.

“We had demanded for the MOU and the partners for the Radiology and the medical laboratory. But we are seeing things in a different dimension now. We have to invite those involved because the cost for this equipment are in billions and we are meant to understand that a loan was taken to purchase these machines.

“So, how can we just sit down, fold our hands and allow this go down the drain. We have to invite the then commissioner for Health, Dr. Joseph Ngbea, the permanent Secretary, Ministry for Health, the Director Purchase and Supply and the former CMD Dr. Terlumun Swende. The Director of Administration of the hospital will also have to come as well as the NGO that operated in the hospital.

Earlier, the new CMD, Dr. Stephen Hwande, said the hospital does not have the status of a referral place as it cannot handle trauma at the highest level, renal transplant, brain surgery and cancer management.

Dr. Hwande said the hospital is confronted with nonfunctional Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine, MRI, Dialysis machines and Radiology.

“If you have a functional MRI machine, you have solved close to 70 percent of Radiology problem here.

“I think the desire of this administration which the legislative arm is part of, is to ensure that this hospital is a referral in North Central region so that we do not need to be going to Abuja every minute. We are still struggling at the rudimentary level, with dilapidated structures. We are working with different partners to revamp the hospital because it is better to be healthy than wealthy. In fact, the hospital had to send resident for 6 months MRI training in Abuja.

The MRI is not working and has never worked on any Benue patient q and it was commissioned March 26, this year by the out gone administration. Two dialysis machines supplied to the Isolation Unit, those machines I was told are not safe for human use. They are there and have never been used. Attempt to repair them even proved more is difficult as it needs a lot of reconstruction.


“Imagine something came in and was not used, the best thing is for it to be returned. How do we put MRI, Dialysis machine in another budget when these ones have not be used. So, I felt that before we go for our budget defence, you should know what to put and take out. For us, it is for the Benue man to have quality healthcare service.

“There is also, an NGO that deal with sexual issues in the hospital, I do not know how they came in but the office is not accessible to us. I appeal to the House to show concern for the hospital because several teaching hospitals are springing up and if you do not fix yours, no one will do it do it for you. Also look at the economic waste. So Benue should be thinking of medical tourism with,” Dr. Hwande said.

Also speaking, Hon. Audu Elias representing Gwer East state constituency and Hon. Manger Manger, representing Tarka state Constituency also condemned the state of equipment and hospital facilities saying they will put heads together and ensure that the right things were done for the sake of the Benue people.

Manger noted that BSUTH is a teaching hospital, and the Benue people should get the right services due to them adding that they would not allow the hospital to be turned into a slaughterhouse.


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